Wondering Waves.
And the Words became Whispers -
Then the Silence became the Nothing of what
was before,
Depression like Water,
Water the flowers,
Drench them,
Drown them,
Float them to rush a river that Runs over
your Heart.
Returns to a Sea,
Where He Stands.
There where the Waves Play and there where
He Plays,
A Song with the Waters,
There where I Lay -
Screaming - Splashing
& He Pours,
& I Desire,
& He Opens Me -
Air as Grace,
That Sees no Face - Yet I see Him,
Blue amongst the Waters,
Playing with my Daughters
and I get Everywhere?!
From here to There,
No Drop to Spare.
Glistened - in a Sound of Nothing that was
In a Glance that Rains a River on the Floor -
In a Trance chased a River that ran over Me
and out the Door - Towards Infinity,
There and Hither,
Racing the Story becomes a River,
The River a Torrent
Of Rhythm and Power - the Surging,
Purging Hour,
Until its Mouth and White Foamed
Feathers reach the Ocean,
The 'Drop of My Ocean' a Necklace of
Tears -
as Deep as My Sea,
As Far as the spheres.
All that Swims and Floats around - That
Beats a Sound,
Fathomless inside a round
Of Waves and Water
That Births a Daughter
Aphrodite my Love
Found a Sea of Sounds
An Energy that Bounds -
Right into your Huge and Lovely Arms
Oceanus Azure, Eyes Blue as the Lure
Of the Sea -
Far Stretched and Fathomless Lover of 'Me'
Runs over his
I can See no More...
Streams Softly to the shore
Salted and Brushed, Tasted and Rushed
A River 'Runs' through Me
And onto the Floor!