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Two or three Strands one Metre from

a Tree

Sloping to the Main Web -

& Spun in the Windy Sea,

Sat, The Spider.

Precariously connected half a metre

away on the other side,

To a Lavender,

Vicariously Weaved, Finished and

done - & Waiting

In the Weak Autumn Sun.


In the Middle of the Garden

So all the Wind blew through it

No Protection from the Weather

Whatsoever! -

& Sat there in the Middle of

the Web.

Brave and Hungry as the Wind

Blew on

Solitary sleep on the Wind,

in its Bed.


Beware the Flies of the

slumbering Lure,

that lies so close in its

Windy Moor -

The Spider that Floats in its

Windy Web,

with one Eye Open

& no Feet on the Floor.


(Written Entry for The For National Poetry Competition 2011)

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